Natur- und Geisteswissenschaften werden zuweilen in grenzwertiger Weise getrennt betrachtet. Es ist jedoch ohne Alternative, beispielsweise physikalische Gesetzmässigkeiten auch auf ihre philosophischen Effekte hin zu betrachten. Es ist essentiell, beispielsweise biologisch machbare Abläufe grundsätzlich ethisch zu bewerten. Man denke hier an die seit Jahrzehnten andauernden Diskussionen um Leben, werdendes Leben, operative Regulation werdenden Lebens, gewiss auch Lebensbestimmung und selbstbestimmtes Lebensende. Allesamt sind diese und auch viele andere Themen niemals ohne die Schnittstelle zwischen Natur- und Geisteswissenschaft zu behandeln.
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Telefon 0481 - 149 22 99-0
The natural sciences and humanities are sometimes considered marginally separate. However, it is without alternative, for example, to consider physical laws also in terms of their philosophical effects. It is essential, for example, to ethically assess biologically feasible processes. Consider here the discussions that have been going on for decades about life, future life, operational regulation of expectant life, and certainly also the determination of life and self-determined end of life. All these and many other topics are never to be treated without the interface between science of nature and spiritual science.
Economic value added processes must always be considered ethically. For example, how else could one analyze the complexity of technical processes and effects in the food industry? Finally, technical parameters of everyday life are always shaped by ideological, political, moral and ethical foundations.
AMOVISTA RESEARCH wants to transport interdisciplinary dialogue. Technical evolution is not a buzzword today, but an everyday basis for calculating social planning, economic decision-making and ethical analysis. Even if the technical generations or political facts are sometimes only valid for a few months and the developments are breathtakingly fast, stable social values always remain the basis for necessarily changing opinions, trends and prognoses.
AMOVISTA RESEARCH qualifies here as a think tank, as a condenser for value discussions, as an archive for cognitive processes. Attitude, volatile mainstream and finally the algorithms created from technical structures are undoubtedly significant basis of common conversation, but they mostly only represent quantitative parameters. AMOVISTA RESEARCH works more profoundly. Without historical and ideologically differentiated knowledge, viable opinion formation is unthinkable. Without acknowledgment of traditional, culturally determined regulations, the technical modernization of established social patterns is hardly peaceful to enforce.
Let us discuss this. Our network is prepared. We emphasize thinking processes. We basically make this free of commercial intentions and therefore we look for submitted topics and projects according to our own interests. Maybe we find your ideas exciting!